Courses Taught

CS 108: Intro to Computer Programming (Fall 23)

Undergraduate Course, GMU CS Dept, 2023

This coruse is aimed at teaching freshman undergraduate students the basics of Computer Programming using Python. The course covers basic syntax of python, loops, lists, and dictionaries. As a Graduate Teaching Assistant, my responisbilities consisted of grading programming assignemnts and holding office hours to help the students understand the material.

CS112: Introduction to Computer Programming (Fall 22, Spring 23)

Undergraduate Course, GMU CS Dept, 2022

This coruse is aimed at teaching freshman undergraduate students the basics of Computer Programming using Python. Over the course of the semester, the course covers python datatypes, loops, lists, dictionaries, and classes. As a graduate teaching assistant, my responsibilities consisted of holding lab recitations, checking programming assignments, and holding office hours to help the students.

MATH 4141: Differencial Calculus and Geometry

Undergraduate course, IUT, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, 2021

This is a 4 credit course intended for freshman students persuing a degree in Computer Science and Engineering. The goal of this course is to build a solid foundation in differecial canculus, 2D and 3D geometry for engineering studetns. My goal as the instructor was to present course contects in an intuitive manner and to connect the materials taught with various applications in the field of Computer Science.

CSE 4108: Structured Programming I Lab

Sessional Lab, IUT, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, 2021

This is a 1.5 credit lab course dedicated to teaching newcomers the basics of structured programming. The course is taught in C programming language. The course is designed to encourage students to apply problem solving skills to solve problems using C in a structured way. It also teaches the bascis of C programming language.

CSE 4544: Numerical Analysis Methods Lab

Sessional Lab, IUT, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, 2021

This is an adavnced 0.75 credit lab course dedicated demonstrating varuious numerical techniques. The course is offered to 5th semester students of software engineering program. The students learn to implement and analyse various numerical methods in a hands on manner using the Python programming language.